JO Kelly Families,
Bus 148 will not be running for the rest of the week (Jan. 4-7, 2022). We apologize for the inconvenience.
STAR GAZING EVENT: Rescheduled for MONDAY, January 10th! Mark your calendars.
JO Kelly Parents,
Bus 148 and 185 will not be running this afternoon, Tuesday, January 4th. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Kelly Parents, bus 185 will not be running Tuesday, Jan. 4th. We apologize for the inconvenience.
2021 Springdale District Spelling Bee
Congratulations to all the spelling bee contestants this year!
This year features a 43 round spelling bee, with an EPIC 25 round battle between Quintin and Michael.
Sixth grade students have gone through the narrative writing process (draft, revise, and edit) with several pieces. Last week they chose one to publish and share! On Thursday they celebrated their hard work and growth with their friends and classmates.
Some titles seemed to just reach out and grab your attention. 😉
The Kelly Choirs knocked it out of the park tonight at their Winter Concert. Beautiful arrangements and some outstanding students!
Winter Band Concert was phenomenal! Beautiful music after months of hard work learning to play instruments!
Don't forget: today's the Mobile Food Pantry at J.O. Kelly!
THE ONE AND ONLY, Dan Skoff, visited J.O. Kelly Middle School today to help with the 6th grade science unit on weather. Thank you Dan Skoff for donating your time and expertise to Springdale students!
Our Winter Concerts are tomorrow!
Proud of our basketball teams! Both boys and girls beat Oakdale Monday night! Go Knights! 💙💚💙💚
Coming this Thursday!
Kelly families, due to the shortage of bus drivers, bus 176 will not be running this week. We apologize for the late notice.
Save the Date: Drive Through Food Giveaway at the Treehouse Pantry: 12-16-21 from 11:00am to 1:00pm
It's getting festive around here!
Kids and teachers all dressed in black today to celebrate Mr. Buchanan’s 40th birthday. Happy birthday to the best principal!
Kelly families,
Due to shortage of bus drivers bus # 176 will not be running this afternoon. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Bus 211 will be running again on Monday, December 6th! Hooray!
Holiday spirit brought to you today from J.O. Kelly's festive cafeteria staff: