Up to $93.48 A DAY! WOW!! Come join our team
Mobile Food Pantry TODAY in the after school car rider line!
The first 45 minutes of the JO Kelly school day is called Prime Time. During this time, students receive personalized instruction to meet their academic needs. Be on time and work hard!
Kelly Parents,
The deadline for purchasing Springdale School's Technology Insurance is fast approaching (October 1st). While the insurance isn't required, we highly recommend it, because we know middle school students are notorious for being a little clumsy. :) Call the front office for more information.
Mobile Food Pantry Tomorrow at J.O. Kelly!
Due to a shortage of drivers, bus 148 will not be running Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday this week. We apologize for the inconvenience.
It might just look like a friendly game of Hoops, but Grace and Eliz are gathering data for math class.
Due to a shortage of drivers, bus 185 will not be running this afternoon (9/14/21). Please make arrangements to pick your child up after school at 3:15 today. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Due to a shortage of drivers, bus 144 will not be running for the remainder of the week. We apologize for the inconvenience.
It's hard to believe that Christmas is around the corner!
J.O. Kelly Middle: Parents we apologize for the double post, but we just heard that bus 146 is out today too. So in summary, buses 146, 144, 148, and 188 are not running today.
Due to a shortage in bus drivers, bus 144 and 148 will not be running today. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Students are working hard getting the Kelly Coffee Klatch up and running this year!
Bus 176 will not be running Friday, September 10th due to a shortage of bus drivers. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Due to a shortage of drivers bus 144 will not be running this afternoon or all day tomorrow. Parents will need to make arrangements to get their students to and from school. We apologize for the inconvenience!
A great night for the Knights! Both A and B teams beat Oakdale Middle in 2 games.
Due to a shortage of bus drivers bus # 147 will not be running this afternoon. If your child rides bus #147, please make arrangements for pick up at 3:15.
We apologize for the inconvenience!
Reminiscing about Friday's first annual Tournament of the Knights.
Advisory teams competed at a variety of events, including the Bunny Hop, a Sock Pool Challenge, Kahoot Trivia, and more. 2021 winners included Team Zenith in 6th grade and Team Titans in 7th grade.
Enjoy the long weekend, and we’ll see you on Tuesday!
Students at Kelly Middle School are working hard to meet and exceed their reading goals!