Free Childcare for Essential Workers while funds last. Please follow the prompts below. Taking care of our essential workers is another reason why Springdale Schools is #THEChoice
Free All Day and After School Childcare for Essential Workers while funds last. Please click the link below to learn more.
Have you heard? Kelly Middle School is hosting a drive-thru Open House August 18th (7th grade only) and August 19th (6th grade only). Be looking for a letter in the mail that includes Team Assignments and directions to your team's Open House tent.
When you drive-thru Open House, you will pick up your team specific lanyard, important information for the first day of school, and meet several of your teachers!
See you there!
Introducing New Knights!
Introducing New Knights!
Updated! Thankful for our proofreading community! Students with a last name starting with H are now included. We can't wait to see everyone!
Please join Kevin Conkin, Co-Director of Transportation, about Bus and Transportation Back to School information.
Topics include:
-Routes & Times
-Disinfecting Busses
-Expectations for Bus Riders
and more
Welcome New Knights!
Introducing Our New Knights
Please join Dr. Tara Harshaw, Director of Special Education for Springdale regarding the 2020-2021 School Year for Special Education Families. In English, Spanish and Marshallese
Introducing our New Knights!
Tax Free Weekend is today and tomorrow, however, you won't need to purchase traditional school supplies for Kelly Middle Schoolers.
Instead, consider purchasing a water bottle and face masks.
Introducing Our New Knights!
Very important, Kelly Knights! Fill out the survey before August 5.
Kelly Knights - We are excited to see each of you on August 24th! Please fill out this Google Form to let us know how you will be accessing your learning this year.
You may also call the school at (479) 750-8730 to declare your learning model.
Hey Next Year’s 7th Grade Kelly Knights! If you are planning on participating in football, volleyball, soccer, basketball, cheer, track, or cross country, this message is for YOU!! An athletic physical is required before you can COME ON! Here’s a FREE physical for you!!! You can get take advantage of this great offer, or get one at your own doctor’s office....but let’s get these done!! 💙💚💙💚💙💚#goKnights!!! And a HUGE Thank You to Northwest Health!
May 27 - June 26, Springdale schools summer meal program will offer curbside pick-up for the Grab-n-go lunches. Pick-up locations will be open MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY. For details in English, Spanish, and Marshallese, go to
KMS 2019-2020 Talent Show
It’s almost time for the Band Zoom for current 6th graders! If you signed up for band next year, you and your parents are invited to a zoom meeting this Tuesday at either 2:00pm OR you can come at 6:30pm! Whichever fits your schedule the best! Watch for the zoom meeting code in your daily email for Tuesday!
Tomorrow and Friday are the days! TRADE YA Days! Come through the car rider line, give us your library books, school owned band instruments, school owned uniforms, and we’ll bring the stuff from your locker and your PE locker to you! See you then!!