BIG win for KMS boys!!! WTG! #goKnights!
Who are you for in the SuperBowl?
Tomorrow cheer on your team!!
Kansas City Chiefs-red and yellow
San Francisco 49ers- gold and maroon
Team Jlo- Sparkles
PrimeTime....everyone working hard this morning!
After school catapult shenanigans in science club!
7th grade open house at George tonight.
Info from Springdale Parks and Recreation
Don’t forget 7th grade Open House at George Jr. High this Thursday night!! 6:00-7:00
PrimeTime has been hopping this week! #RobotRaces
What an amazing night in Dream BIG! We were lucky enough to hear from a very special guest speaker tonight. Megan Godfrey, Arkansas State Legislator spoke to us about about bravery and making positive change.
The girls split into “legislative committees” and brainstormed ideas for Mrs. Godfrey to take back to the Capitol!
DreamBig #bravegirls
We were All In during PrimeTime! Love seeing our teachers and kids working for bright futures!
Prime Time is an important part of our day! Students are engaged and learning is targeted to each student! Parents, ask your child about their Prime Time class!
After school fun!
Congratulations to both KMS girls and boys basketball teams on getting the big“W” tonight! goKnights!!!
It’s ON! #goKnights!
A great morning at Walmart Headquarters celebrating MLK, Jr. and Naomi Tahirou’s winning essay! So proud of you, Naomi!
Big things are happening in GT this afternoon! Stay tuned!
Please be advised
Well, YES, it was a blast!!!!