Meet deadlines. Applications submitted by the deadline are normally the only ones considered.
Do a rough draft first, always spell check and proofread.
Follow all directions on the application carefully.
Have a copy of your transcript and ACT test scores on hand to accurately input your academic information. Remember to pay your application fee.
Request your official transcript through Naviance Student.
When registering to take the ACT, request ACT test scores be sent to colleges you are applying to.
Follow up with the Counseling Center to have immunization records be faxed or mailed to the college.
Using your Naviance Student account, either before or soon after graduation, you must request a final official transcript be sent to the college you will attend!
College Timetable & Checklist
Step-by-Step Instructions for Seniors

Best Practices for College Applications
College Application Checklist
⬜ | Finish Strong this year! Study and do your very best. Your GPA is important both first and second semesters! GPA affects your final rank in class, college acceptance, honor graduate status, and scholarship qualification. |
⬜ | Use your Naviance Student Account to help you plan for life after high school. College and Career searches and more! |
⬜ | Create a timeline and use your time wisely. Note registration deadlines, applications deadlines, test dates and other important events to be better organized and not so overwhelmed. Avoid procrastination and check off each task on your list. |
⬜ | TYPE (or print NEATLY in INK) ALL scholarship and college applications in order to be seriously considered. |
⬜ | Check scholarships, financial aid, and testing information on our website. |
⬜ | Create a professional email address just for college, scholarship, and financial aid purposes. Keep your passwords and PIN numbers in a safe place. |
⬜ | Depending on your post-graduation destination, take the ACT, SAT, Accuplacer, or ASVAB. Have your ACT scores sent to Har-Ber (042147) and also to your colleges of choice. This is FREE if done when you register!! |
⬜ | Create a high school resume. College and scholarship applications are easier to complete when you have a clear listing of all your grade 9-12 accomplishments: courses taken, clubs, teams, and organizations, offices held, project leadership, volunteer and community service participation, special honors, work experience, etc. |
⬜ | Research colleges and compare admissions requirements, locations, size, housing, degrees, tuition cost and fees; research everything you can to help you make the decision that is right for YOU. |
⬜ | Visit with college admission reps that visit Har-Ber High School at our College Fair and throughout the year. It’s convenient and free! |
⬜ | Visit college campuses. Attend Preview Days. Make arrangements through the college admissions website or by phone. The week before, go by the HBHS attendance office to get a College Day Form to be approved, then your absence won't count against you. |
⬜ | Apply to colleges. Make sure you meet the admission requirements. Be aware of application fees. Watch for deadlines. Check your email for notices from the colleges and reply if needed. |
⬜ | Request your transcript through your Naviance Student account. When you register for the ACT or SAT ask for your scores to be sent to colleges you are interested in. |
⬜ | When you know where you will attend, complete a records request for Har-Ber to send your shot records the college. Provide the college addresses and allow 1 week for HBHS processing. (Allow at least 2 more weeks for the college to post receipt of the documents on your account.) |
⬜ | The FAFSA (FREE Application for Federal Student Aid) determines eligibility for Pell Grants, Work Study, loans and other financial aid. You and your parents need to get a FAFSA PIN number this fall at *Attend the HBHS Financial Aid meetings--several are offered during the year. |
⬜ | Prepare for and plan to submit the FAFSA as soon as possible after October 1. Have your FAFSA sent to 5 colleges for free. The FAFSA is online at After filing, review your SAR (Student Aid Report) and make necessary corrections. |
⬜ | Apply for the Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship and other state scholarships at |
⬜ | Determine if letters of recommendation are needed for your college or scholarship applications. If so, ask early and allow at least 2 weeks for the letters from teachers, counselor, employers, or sponsors. (Letter request form available in Counseling Center) |
⬜ | Review college acceptance letters, weigh your options, and make your decision. |
⬜ | Confirm enrollment with the college of choice by completing all college documents, scholarship acceptance letters, financial aid forms, housing information, deposits, etc. |
⬜ | Notify the other colleges you applied to that you are declining, especially if they offered you a scholarship. |
⬜ | Attend On-Campus Orientation (required). You and your parents will learn very important information! |
⬜ | Remember- Scholarships and grants are FREE and don’t have to be paid back! Continue looking for ways to pay for college; even after you start college there are scholarships available. |