Attendance and Bell Schedule
Regular student attendance is paramount in importance for all students.Regular student attendance is required and expected of all Har-Ber High School students.
Students and their parents/guardians hold the main responsibility for regular class attendance and for following the attendance policy.
Any student who fails to follow all or part of his/her assigned schedule, whether the student is on or off campus, and does not check-out at the Attendance Office, will be marked as absent and may be considered truant. The student may not receive full credit for the time truant.
NOTE: Any student leaving campus during any part of the school day without checking out through the attendance office may be subject to search upon his/her return to campus during the same day. The student’s vehicle is also subject to search.
Penalties for Truancy:
First Violation:
Conference with student
Notification of parent
Assigned 1 day of Saturday School
Warning of suspension
Second Violation:
Conference with student
Notification of parent
Assigned to three (3) days of In-School Suspension (ISS)
Third Violation:
Conference with student
Notification of parent/guardian
Assigned five (5) days of In-School Suspension (ISS)
Warning of expulsion or assignment to Alternative Placement
Check-In Procedure:
Students arriving at school after 9:00 a.m. are required to check-in at the Attendance Office. Students will be given a pass to enter class and a tardy will be assessed for first period.
An absence will be given for any class in which the student misses 15 minutes or more of class time.
Students may not check-out without a phone call, or appointment card. All students must come to the attendance office when checking out and leaving school during the scheduled school day.
Check-Out Procedure:
Students are encouraged to check-out in between classes to avoid class disruptions. Any student, who knows he/she is checking out, should come by the attendance office between classes. Do not go to your next class and wait for a check-out slip.
Students who are sick should see the school nurse. If the nurse determines the student should leave school, parents will be contacted and the attendance office will be notified. Do not sit in the hallway waiting for your parent or go back to class.
Any student who has a doctor, dental, or legal appointment, or has been in attendance at a funeral, may bring documentation to the Attendance Office so these absences will not count toward the student’s allotted eight days for loss of credit. This documentation should be returned to the Attendance Office immediately upon the student’s return to school.
HBHS is a closed campus. Students are NOT to check out for lunch unless a parent physically comes in the building and checks out the student.
College Day Absences:
Junior and Senior college day absences are earned time off from school to visit prospective colleges or post-secondary schools.
Junior and Seniors are not automatically allowed the two days per semester for college visits, but must earn them through good attendance and scholarship.
Students who are struggling academically or students who have a poor attendance record at the time of application may not be granted this time off from school. The house administrator will need to authorize this absence, if attendance is a concern.
Students must make application for the college day(s) at least three days in advance of the absence from school.
Failure to apply for the “College Day” absence prior to the actual visit will result in the denial of the “College Day” and the absence will count toward the student’s attendance allotment.
Returning students must provide written documentation on school letterhead (the school visited) to the Attendance Office the day he/she returns to school.
Failure to do so will result in denial of the “College Day” and the day missed will be counted toward the student’s attendance allotment. This absence may also result in a violation of the truancy policy.
College Day applications are available in the attendance office.
Special School Absences:
School trips or functions approved by the administration will be tracked in attendance record totals but will not count toward maximum limits affecting credit.
Attendance at school is required on the same day of extra-curricular activities, sports, spirit groups, etc.
Absences the day after an event may have effect on future participation.
Students should complete assignments prior to leaving on school trips. However, circumstances may prevent this. It is the student’s responsibility to coordinate with teachers and complete any missing/incomplete assignments.
Completed work is due upon return to class unless other arrangements are made in advance, missed exams must be taken immediately upon return to the class.
Students who leave class before the approved dismissal time will be counted absent.