Have you set up your Innerview account for documenting community service?
Click on the links below to learn more about how to document your hours and/or contact Mrs. Teff (ateff@sdale.org) in the library.
Getting started with Innerview
Watch this quick video to see how this all works
Go to my.innerview.org to setup or login to your account.
**Be sure to include a detailed description of what your role was in the community service activity in the description box when you enter each activity.
Community Service Learning
Class of 2025 and Class of 2026:
You can earn a credit towards graduation and a cord to wear at graduation for documenting 75+ hours of community service from your 9th-12th grade years.
Class of 2027 and beyond:
Arkansas Code Annotated §6-16-1901 states that “beginning with the graduating class of 2026-2027, a public high school student shall complete a minimum of seventy-five (75) clock hours of documented community service in grades nine through twelve (9-12), as certified by the service agency or organization with which the public school student volunteers, in order to graduate.
Click on the link below to learn more.