See the information below about the Wildcat Boys Basketball Summer Camp.
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Congratulations to the 50 students from Archer Learning Center, Don Tyson School of Innovation and Har-Ber and Springdale high schools who committed to jobs in the NWA workforce today at the second annual Career and Technical Education Signing Day event! #SpringdaleFamily
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Har-Ber High School will honor students who earned the Seal of Biliteracy. The event will be held at 5:30 in the Wildcat Cafeteria. You can also stream the event at the link below. #SpringdaleFamily
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Har-Ber High School I World Languages I Seal of Biliteracy | 5:30 PM
Several Har-Ber High School students will participate in the CTE Signing Day event today. The event is held at Springdale High School. Feel free to watch the stream below. #SpringdaleFamily
HBHS Plant Science students toured the Turfgrass Science Department at the University of Arkansas. Students learned about careers in the areas of golf and sports turf management and got to see several management techniques firsthand. #SpringdaleFamily
Wildcat Soccer tryouts are coming soon...Save the Date.
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Har-Ber High School Choir I Spring Concert | 7:00 PM
Please see below for this fun opportunity...
Support the Class of 2024 Senior Send Off.
Vote for your 'favorite' to get a PIE IN THE FACE May 3rd at the Class of 2024
The event is sponsored by the HBHS PTSO.
Check out the opportunities below...
Shawna Estep, Crowder College Veterinary Technology Program Director, spoke to the Har-Ber veterinary science classes about career opportunities as a veterinary technician, taught the classes how to put on surgical gloves, demonstrated how to use the ultrasound machine, and guided the students in proper bandaging techniques. #SpringdaleFamily
Har-Ber students in the poultry and animal science classes had the opportunity to tour the NewlyWeds Foods facility in Springdale today. The students learned about the various levels of career opportunities within this company from the two food scientists that gave them the tour. The students also heard about opportunities from the University of Arkansas Food Science department. #SpringdaleFamily
Check out to the fun opportunity below...
Springdale Schools and Sam's Furniture partnered in support of Springdale students, who raised $5,585 through the first-ever Hearts for Homelessness awareness campaign and fundraiser event! #SpringdaleFamily
Read the full story:
Support the Class of 2024 Senior Send Off.
Vote for your 'favorite' to get a PIE IN THE FACE May 3rd at the Class of 2024
The event is sponsored by the HBHS PTSO.
Thank you to Rob Sanchez, owner of The Alpha School of K-9 Obedience, for speaking to the Har-Ber Veterinary Science classes about skills and careers with dog training. For anyone interested in more information about this dog training company you can use the company website #SpringdaleFamily
Congratulations to the HBHS students that competed in the SkillsUSA competition. We are proud of you! #SpringdaleFamily
Congratulations, Coach Deffebaugh! We are blessed to have you at Har-Ber! #SpringdaleFamily