Wildcat Families, HBHS will host a How To Pay for College Night. It will be held on Tuesday, October 22 from 6-7 pm in Seminar Room. Representatives from the University of Arkansas will be here.
about 5 years ago, Har-Ber High School
Congratulations to Har-Ber High School students who when to Arkansas Tech and competed for leadership positions. Elle Reed was nominated to represent District 1 as a candidate for State Office in January. Tabitha Nichols, who ran against many candidates, was named Dstrict 1 FCCLA President! Both students presented their speeches to a group of voting delegates from the schools in District 1. Congratulations to both! You represented HBHS well!
about 5 years ago, Har-Ber High School
HBHS Cheer participated in the Inclusion Walk this past weekend. The Inclusion Walk is the Down Syndrome Connection of NWA's biggest event and biggest fundraiser of the year. Har-Ber cheer spent time cheering the walkers and their families on this past Saturday! They were there to cheer on walkers, danced with the participants, and provide photo opportunities to those in attendance. DSCNWA connects families & individuals blessed by Down Syndrome to other families, resources, and the community.
about 5 years ago, Har-Ber High School
Wildcat Families, Har-Ber High School is offering a FREE ACT Boot Camp over the next two weeks. Please check the calendar below.
about 5 years ago, Har-Ber High School
Congratulations to the HBHS Silver Stars for an outstanding performance at the Bryant Dance Invitational Competition that was held in Bryant this weekend. The Silver Stars placed: 1st place in Jazz 1st place In Kick 1st Place in Pom 3rd place Hip Hop They also received an: Overall 1st place in Jazz Overall 1st place in Kick The overall awards are the highest scores in the competition in each category.
about 5 years ago, Har-Ber High School
Wildcat Families, Below is the link to the Student Announcements for October 7-11. We are approaching the end of the 1st Quarter (Oct. 11). Please take time to discuss grades with your student. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZyeV53cROs7vWsQGTxxZ1Eu-P6C7a0INfRyg16VT6mA/edit?usp=sharing
about 5 years ago, Har-Ber High School
Seniors and Senior Parents- Har-Ber High School will be hosting it's 2nd FAFSA Frenzy event, Monday, October 7 from 4:30-7:00 in the Lobby and the Seminar Room. The FAFSA does not open until October 1. You may come at any time between these hours for help from financial aid staff representatives from 3 local colleges. We will have both Marshallese and Spanish intepreters. Please bring your laptop/Chromebook fully charged. Seniors and one parent must set up an account. Please make your FSA ID with the following directions before you come. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THIS DONE YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO COMPLETE THE FAFSA AT THIS EVENT. WHAT IS THE FAFSA??? The Free Application for Federal Student Aid must be completed if you need financial aid to help you pay for college. The 2020-2021 FAFSA will be available Oct 1. It must be filled out at the official site, fafsa.gov. It will be easier to complete the FAFSA if you gather what you need ahead of time. Here is a short list of things to help. 1.Your FSA ID#. An FSA ID# is a username and password that you use to log into certain US Dept of Education websites. Each student AND one parent will need an FSA ID to complete the FAFSA process on fafsa.gov(https://fafsa.gov/) We recommend creating your FSA ID early-even before you're ready to complete the FAFSA form-to avoid delays. https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/fafsa/filling-out/fsaid EVEN IF YOU DO NOT DO THIS FIRST, PLEASE COME FOR HELP! It will go faster if you have done this, but don't let it stop you from attending. 2. Social security number. If you are not a US citizen but meet Federal Student Aid's basic eligibility requirements you'll also need your Alien Registration number. Here is a link to those requirements. https://studentaid.ed.gov/eligibility/basic-criteria 3. Your 2018 tax records. The FAFSA links parents tax returns to a student electronically if you submitted that way. But it is always best to bring the paper copies as well. If you did NOT submit taxes for 2018 electronically, please bring the paper copies. Representatives will be happy to help you! There is a short FAFSA video link on your student's Naviance homepage as well. PLEASE COME FOR! There will be people here to help you with any step of this. Come even if you do not have your FSA ID set up yet! Hope to see you there! HBHS Counseling Center
about 5 years ago, Har-Ber High School
Estudiantes de secundaria y Padres- Har-Ber High School organizará su segundo evento de Frenzy FAFSA, el lunes 7 de octubre de 4: 30-7: 00 en el Vestíbulo y la Sala de Seminarios. La FAFSA no abre hasta el 1 de octubre. Puede venir en cualquier momento entre estas horas para obtener ayuda de representantes del personal de ayuda financiera de 3 universidades locales. Tendremos intérpretes Marshallese y español. Traiga su computadora portátil / Chromebook completamente cargada. El estudiante y uno de los padres deben configurar una cuenta. Haga su identificación de FSA con las siguientes instrucciones antes de venir. SI NO TIENE ESTO HECHO, NO PODRÁ COMPLETAR LA FAFSA EN ESTE EVENTO. ¿QUÉ ES LA FAFSA? La Solicitud Gratuita de Ayuda Federal para Estudiantes debe completarse si necesita ayuda financiera para pagar la universidad. La FAFSA 2020-2021 estará disponible el 1 de octubre. Debe completarse en el sitio oficial, fafsa.gov. Será más fácil completar la FAFSA si reúne lo que necesita con anticipación. Aquí hay una breve lista de cosas para ayudar. 1. Su número de identificación FSA. Un número de identificación de la FSA es un nombre de usuario y una contraseña que utiliza para iniciar sesión en ciertos sitios web del Departamento de Educación de los EE. UU. Cada estudiante y un padre necesitarán una identificación de la FSA para completar el proceso de FAFSA en fafsa.gov (https://fafsa.gov/) Recomendamos crear su identificación de la FSA temprano, incluso antes de que esté listo para completar el formulario FAFSA para evitar retrasos. https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/fafsa/filling-out/fsaid ¡INCLUSO SI NO HACE ESTO PRIMERO, POR FAVOR VEN A RECIBIR AYUDAR! Irá más rápido si ha hecho esto, pero no permita que le impida asistir. 2. Número de seguro social. Si no es ciudadano estadounidense pero cumple con los requisitos básicos de elegibilidad de la Ayuda Federal para Estudiantes, también necesitará su número de Registro de Extranjero. Aquí hay un enlace a esos requisitos. https://studentaid.ed.gov/eligibility/basic-criteria 3. Sus registros de impuestos de 2018. La FAFSA vincula las declaraciones de impuestos de los padres a un estudiante electrónicamente si usted lo envió de esa manera. Pero siempre es mejor traer copias en papel también. Si NO presentó los impuestos para 2018 electrónicamente, traiga las copias en papel. ¡Los representantes estarán encantados de ayudarlo! También hay un breve enlace de video FAFSA en la página de inicio de Naviance de su estudiante. ¡POR FAVOR VENGA! Habrá gente aquí para ayudarlo con cualquier paso de esto. ¡Venga incluso si aún no tiene su ID de FSA configurada! ¡Esperamos verte ahí! Centro de asesoramiento de HBHS
about 5 years ago, Har-Ber High School
A fun way to support the HBHS Boy's Basketball fundraiser tomorrow morning at Applebe's.
about 5 years ago, Har-Ber High School
Pancake Breakfast
Graduate Sales will be at Har-Ber High on Thursday, September 26 from 12:00 -1:30 pm in the Har-Ber Cafeteria and from 2:00 -6:00 pm in the main lobby for Junior class ring orders. You must bring a $100 deposit along with your order form if you plan on ordering a class ring.
about 5 years ago, Margaret Robinson
Erick Soto and Jax Nalley, representing Arkansas United Youth Council, held a DACA Seminar during Primetime in the library last week. Erick and Jax presented on changes to legislation and connected students to information and resources.
about 5 years ago, Har-Ber High School
Please remember to take a moment and fill out the Free and Reduced Lunch form Apply at https://www.schoolcafe.com/ by September 25th
about 5 years ago, Springdale School District
Parents: The Cheer mini-clinic will be held in the field house from 4:30-6:30 on Wednesday. The performance will be held during the halftime of the 8th grade CJH/SWJH game on Thursday. Girls may begin checking in at 4:00 in the field house. There is a large garage door on the south side of the building. Please be sure to bring a water bottle.
about 5 years ago, Har-Ber High School
Seniors and Senior Parents- Har-Ber High School will be hosting it's 2nd FAFSA Frenzy event, Monday, October 7 from 4:30-7:00 in the Lobby and the Seminar Room. The FAFSA does not open until October 1. You may come at any time between these hours for help from financial aid staff representatives from 3 local colleges. We will have both Marshallese and Spanish interpreters. Please bring your laptop/Chromebook fully charged. Seniors and one parent must set up an account. Please make your FSA ID with the following directions before you come. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THIS DONE YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO COMPLETE THE FAFSA AT THIS EVENT. WHAT IS THE FAFSA??? The Free Application for Federal Student Aid must be completed if you need financial aid to help you pay for college. The 2020-2021 FAFSA will be available Oct 1. It must be filled out at the official site, fafsa.gov. It will be easier to complete the FAFSA if you gather what you need ahead of time. Here is a short list of things to help. 1.Your FSA ID#. An FSA ID# is a username and password that you use to log into certain US Dept of Education websites. Each student AND one parent will need an FSA ID to complete the FAFSA process on fafsa.gov(https://fafsa.gov/) We recommend creating your FSA ID early-even before you're ready to complete the FAFSA form-to avoid delays. https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/fafsa/filling-out/fsaid EVEN IF YOU DO NOT DO THIS FIRST, PLEASE COME FOR HELP! It will go faster if you have done this, but don't let it stop you from attending. 2. Social security number. If you are not a US citizen but meet Federal Student Aid's basic eligibility requirements you'll also need your Alien Registration number. Here is a link to those requirements. https://studentaid.ed.gov/eligibility/basic-criteria 3. Your 2018 tax records. The FAFSA links parents tax returns to a student electronically if you submitted that way. But it is always best to bring the paper copies as well. If you did NOT submit taxes for 2018 electronically, please bring the paper copies. Representatives will be happy to help you! There is a short FAFSA video link on your student's Naviance homepage as well. PLEASE COME FOR! There will be people here to help you with any step of this. Come even if you do not have your FSA ID set up yet! Hope to see you there! HBHS Counseling Center
about 5 years ago, Har-Ber High School
Wildcat Families, Free flu shots will be given Wednesday, October 2nd. Paperwork can be obtained from the nurses in the Health Office or from your child's Advisory teacher. Paperwork must be completed and turned in no later than Monday, September 30.
about 5 years ago, Har-Ber High School
It's Homecoming Week at Har-Ber High School! National Honor Society members spent their Saturday planning and preparing for their Homecoming Float! The Homecoming Parade will be held on Thursday, Sept. 26 at 9:30! Go Wildcats!
about 5 years ago, Har-Ber High School
Reminder Apply at https://www.schoolcafe.com/ by September 25th
about 5 years ago, Springdale School District
Wildcat Families, This is a busy week at Har-Ber. Student Led Conferences will be held on Monday and Tuesday from 4:15-7:30. Also, we will host a Homecoming Parade on Thursday at 9:30. This will be followed by Homecoming on Friday and the Homecoming Dance on Saturday. Please check out the weekly announcements. https://docs.google.com/document/d/14xrmzHz0Vwu0qguEfOTVdv5iUloXcYMfeKgqZe6dBLQ/edit?usp=sharing
about 5 years ago, Har-Ber High School
Congratulations to Ashtan Phipps of the Har-Ber FFA. She won 6th place at the Arkansas / Oklahoma State Fair Broiler Show.
about 5 years ago, Har-Ber High School
 Fair Pic